Tuesday, 31 October 2017

3 Questions That’ll Blow Your Video Marketing Mind

Every time you feel like you have digital figured out, it changes. You master data sourcing, but then everyone adopts AI. You perfect email outreach, but buyers move to Slack. You invest in social, but influencers steal your emoji-laden thunder.

Can’t a marketer catch a break? We’re afraid not. Technology marches on, and as the planning season is upon us, the chimerical question raises its head once again:

How will you stand out in 2018?

Lucky for you, you don’t have to answer it alone. At Fast Forward—Vidyard’s virtual video marketing and sales summit—be the first to hear ideas from Laura Ramos, VP & Principal Analyst at Forrester; Jeff Loeb, CMO of Vidyard; Megan Eisenberg, CMO of MongoDB; and 29 more experts. There will be 20 sessions in all!

(Seats are limited, so if you’re even thinking of going, best to reserve yours now.)

Throughout that day, they’ll explode your conception of what it was like to market in 2017, and what you learn about next year, just might blow your mind.

Here’s a sneak peek:

3 questions that’ll blow your video marketing mind:

1. How are you going to stand out in 2018?

If you were hoping that the answer is “dust off the trusty old funnel,” you’ll be sorely disappointed. Top marketers everywhere are flipping their funnels, adopting ABM, and experimenting with alternate channels and content formats like their lives depend on it. AI chatbots are exploding in popularity, especially as website lead-gen tools, and video is entering a renaissance, delivering click-through and open rates the likes of which haven’t been seen since AT&T ran the world’s first banner ad.

The question, then, is what combination of these new tools will you use to stand out? Which new ones will emerge and which will prove to be next year’s ROI cash cows?

Fast Forward offers answers. Join us and catch The CMO’s Perspective: What’s Hot And What’s Not For 2018.

2. How will you innovate with video formats?

Video formats are as varied as the technology is ubiquitous and next year marketers looking for an edge in attention-seeking scenery will show us things we’ve never seen before. Some of it will be technology-driven as they experiment with interactive forms, post-roll gating, and mass-individualized content. Other parts of it will be format and story-driven, as marketers get back to their home-video roots and eschew production value for austere authenticity.

How will you give your videos a new twist that surprises and delights the world-weary viewers of 2018?

Attend Fast Forward to catch The Rise Of The Video-Enabled Business and see.

3. How will you use analytics to reach peak performance?

Ever since marketers opened the Pandora’s box of attribution, there’s no going back on delivering “the numbers.” As Marketo put it so presciently many years ago, “Marketers finally have a seat at the revenue table.” Today, that means marketing on a performance basis and aligning more closely with sales to act as one unified revenue team. But what does next year hold? What channels can you plumb for data-driven advantages? Will the alignment singularity finally occur? And how will you become next year’s digital disruptor?

We guess you’ll just have to Fast Forward to find out.

The post 3 Questions That’ll Blow Your Video Marketing Mind appeared first on Vidyard.

source http://www.vidyard.com/blog/3-questions-blow-video-marketing-mind/

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