Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Content Pros: How SalesLoft Is Leveraging Content to Drive Results

Teaming up with the team at Convince & Convert, Vidyard’s VP of Marketing Tyler Lessard hosts the Content Pros Podcast. For this week’s episode, Tyler is joined by Matt Wesson, Director of Content and Creative at SalesLoft, to discuss leveraging content throughout the buyer’s journey to engage customers, convert leads, and grow to scale. Check out the full podcast:

Here’s a few of our favourite moments:

You’ve been doing Content Marketing even longer than we’ve been in business, but I think it’s changing, right?

Absolutely, and I think even for somebody like Joe, who’s been in content marketing since the very beginning, I think there’s always that impulse to try and put a box around things. I think that’s the way that organizations work, right?   Like Marketing VPs, as I’m talking to two high level Marketing VPs, sorry, like to define boundaries on their team, and I think it was very easy to just say, “Oh, content marketing, it does this.” You need a Resource Center, you need E-books, you need blog posts. I think that worked really well for a long time, but I think people are starting to realize that the real value of content goes way beyond just resources.

I think it’s a very simplified way to think about the need that it’s addressing. To just say, “Oh hey, we’re providing resources to the customer that provide value and its located here.” I think the real value of a content team is those creative solutions, that they are designed to develop for customers. Those can be extended throughout the entire organization, and they should be. Everybody within a company, except maybe developers, and probably for a reason, are interacting with customers at some point. You know? … And the influence of content teams, a lot of times are still limited to that topple funnel area. I think that’s doing a disservice to not only content, but to the entire organization.

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What about using content marketing at different stages?

I think it obviously depends on the situation. I think every company is going to be a little bit different. If you have a shorter sales cycle, your ability to extend a certain asset deeper into the funnel is a lot higher than a more complex sales cycle. But I think in software in general, it’s usually in my experience, a mistake to try and fit one asset across the entire sales cycle, because those needs are different, right?

I think breaking it down by those different stages, and then working really closely with the sales team, you’ll start to assess a very different set of needs that you didn’t really know were there. I think it’s super easy to say, “Oh hey, we’ve got an e-book that ties such and such a feature to such and such a problem, let’s just keeping spanning that out throughout the sales cycle.” I think that’s kind of where content marketing was maybe five, six years ago. Nowadays, you’re starting to see it change where the customer wants an e-book when they’re learning about your company. When they want to learn a feature set, they probably want to see a video, an in depth demo with the sales team.

I think before they were getting that in some way, shape, or form, but now that content’s involved in it, they’re getting it in a way that they can more easily understand. They’re getting it in a way that’s more attractive, they’re getting it in a way that’s better positioned. I think the role of content to me, is to produce a lot of diverse assets. I think if you’re just producing one and trying to extend it through the sales cycle, you’re probably still providing value to the audience, but you’re probably falling pretty short of where a content team could be delivering value to the company.

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If you want to hear the full podcast, we’ve posted it above, and you can read a full transcript of this talk on Convince & Convert, where it was originally posted!

The post Content Pros: How SalesLoft Is Leveraging Content to Drive Results appeared first on Vidyard.


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